Tavares, FL - Monday, March 4, 2013 Note: The Tavares City Council meeting is this WEDNESDAY, March 6 at 4pm. We posted the wrong day in an earlier version. Note: A version of this article was also published on www.WatchDogWire.com HERE. EARTH HOUR Exposed: An open letter to the Tavares City Council regarding Wednesday, March 6th''s agenda item Tab 5. Officals of other Lake County Cities and agencies should also read this. The City of Tavares will have a City Council meeting Wednesday, March 6th, at 4pm where an agenda item (Tab 5) will ask the City Council to approve an "Earth Hour" participation on March 23. It sounds fairly benign, asking them to turn off city lights in and around government buildings for one hour (about 8:30 pm) on Saturday, March 23rd. Additionally, I looked at the calendar, and on that day, the Antique & Classic Boat Festival is in full force in Tavares and turning off city lights might be disruptive. However, the request is based upon a letter from a member of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) that sponsores Earth Hour, an international environmentalist group which receives funds from member donations, corporate donations AND the US Federal...
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