Tavares, FL (Lake County, FL) August 20, 2015 - Updated June 4, 2017
By Vance Jochim - FiscalRangers.com
The shortcut to this page is: http://bit.ly/KillFedsRefugeeResettlementPrograms
The best single updated source on news and problems with Refugee Relocation is Ann Corcoran's website blog: www.RefugeeResettlementWatch.wordpress.com
This FiscalRangers.com FactSheet provides an overview of the Refugee Resettlement (RR) program, problems with it, then focuses on how it affects Florida, then Orlando, FL and Lake County, FL, home to FiscalRangers.com .
There are several ways non-citizens enter the US. Besides formal immigration programs, illegal immigration, special visas, etc, one way is the Federally administered "Refugee Resettlement" program that has run for many years. RR is NOT the same as illegal immigration, or legal immigration (by application) but a legal process of bringing in non-citizens as part of US foreign policy. They get visas and have process to become US citizens.
Most of the Refugees being admitted to the US during Obama's reign are Muslims, not Christians, Jews or other beliefs. As a consequence, I also recommend you review my separate Factsheet on the Dangers of Islam.
Update Dec. 8, 2016: HERE is an excellent video overview of the dangers of US Refugee Resettlement programs for Muslims in a talk by Suzanne Shattuck, a Virginia nurse who saw a wave of Islamic refugees arriving in her area and became an outspoken Facebook critic of the program. She describes how it is one method used by Islam and the United Nations to invade the US with Shariah focused Muslims who have no intention of integrating into the US culture.
Authority for Federal Refugee Resettlement Programs
The Refugee Act of 1980, which amended the Immigration and Nationality Act, provided a systematic and permanent procedure for admitting refugees to the United States and maintains comprehensive and uniform provisions to resettle refugees as quickly as possible and to encourage them to become self-sufficient
The "refugees" are persons and families displaced in other countries by "natural disasters, war, civil unrest, and similar causes of danger and persecution", and usually end up in refugee camps in other countries in Asia or Europe. They apply to the UN for refugee status and relocation to other countries including the US.
The United Nations manages the refugee application process, "vetts" applicants, then forwards approved ones based upon numerical allotments to the US Homeland Security for Approval, then the US State Dept. for processing, and relocation to a city in the US. Approximately 85,000 refugees entered the US in 2016, and 100,000 are scheduled for 2017 under this formal program.
The problem is that currently in 2016, due to Obama Administration direction, the UN and State Dept. are selecting almost all Muslims from violent countries to relocate to the US as refugees. In 2016, Obama added another quota of 10,000 Syrians, even though the FBI Director has testified to Congress they cannot vett the Syrian refugees to prevent Sharia directed, violent Muslims from being relocated by the program. Neither the UN or the State Dept. select Christian or Jewish refugees.
As a consequence of Obama's requirements, over many years, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been brought into the US and most refuse to assimilate into the American culture, continue practicing Sharia Law, and are living off US and State benefit programs, just like the UK.
Once the State Dept. processes the refugees, they arrive in the US and are assigned to one of nine Federally funded contractors called VOLAGS ("Voluntary Agencies") who have offices in over 190 American cities and annually bring up to 80,000 refugees seeking “asylum” into the selected cites. Most of the VOLAGS are affiliated with major churches like Catholics and Lutherans. The providers fund living costs for the refugees for 3-8 months while they show them how to apply for many government benefits like food stanps, section 8 vouchers, get English training, how to apply for jobs, etc.
This needs to stop. The FBI says they cannot screen many of these refugees because they come now from conflict countries with no records, thus they cannot determine how many radical Islamists are being brought into the US.
Other problems with Muslim Refugees:
- Unvetted Muslims practice stealth and violent Jihad to expand Islam at any cost.
- The UN picks only Muslims for refugee programs, not Christians, Jews and other religions.
- Refugees bring in diseases. Even though screened, they can be a carrier for TB, Hepatitis, etc. Outbreaks of TB are occurring in several states with high refugee counts.
- Following of Sharia law, lack of respect for women, beheadings, raping, groping, grooming like in UK
- Violent crimes against non-Muslims
- Constant refusal to assimilate into US culture, whining for accomodation for their beliefs, such as prayer times at work, wearing of hijabs, demanding Halal food at schools, lack of respect for female managers...
- Muslims have goals of a much higher birth rate (stealth jihad), which expands their demands on society.
- Muslims rely significantly on welfare programs, and don't work as much as other societies.
- Lack of interest in integration into the US culture. Their religion prohibits integration.
- Demand for Islamic religious school lessons for all students while US law prohibits religious indoctrination.
- Breaking zoning laws for new mosques, then demonstrating when local governments refuse permits.
- See our Factsheet on Dangers of Islam for much more.
Florida Refugee & Resettlement Overview:
- Florida is usually listed as fifth highest in receiving refugees.
There are 3 ways in which the federal government disburses the 8 months of federal refugee cash assistance (RCA) and refugee medical assistance (RMA) funds to eligible refugees.(1) These funds are disbursed through:
• a state administered program, or, <<<< This is the Florida program, funded with Fed $
• a public-private partnership program, or
• a Wilson-Fish “alternative” program <<< 12 states are in this program, but NOT Florida. - HERE is Ann Corcoran's search list of Florida Refugee Resettlement articles on her blog. You can find her articles by any state by replacing "Florida" in the URL with the name of your state.
- However, 85% of Florida refugees / migrants are from Cuba or Haiti. They are admitted under another program, and "many just show up" so they are not run through the UN controlled refugee program that now in 2016 focuses on approving perhaps 40% Muslim refugees. But the Cubans and Haitans are counted in the total refugees, which is why Florida always shows a high "refugee" count.
Per Ann Corcoran "In recent years up to 95% of the refugees coming to the U.S. were referred by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or were the relatives of UN-picked refugees. Until the late 90’s the U.S. picked the large majority of refugees for resettlement in the U.S."
- In Lake County, FL, there were only 85 refugees admitted in the last five years 2010-2015 (according to my documented discussion with a Florida State refugee office coordinator based in Orlando).
- Based upon my visits to the Orlando area Refugee Task Force meetings, the two main Volags in Orlando, the Catholics and Lutherans, had no plans to bring refugees into Lake County due to the distance from their offices and "there is no work in Lake County for refugees" which means mostly menial labor type jobs for unskilled workers without English language skills.
So, right now, Florida is not targeted to receive many refugees due to (I assume) the huge numbers of Cubans and Haitans admitted. You can find a list of ALL refugees planned for 2016 by city HERE in the consolidated "R&P" (Relocation & Placement) annual reports prepared by the Federal government's Refugee Processing Center. Within that spreadsheet, you can see how many are planned for each target city in Florida.
Relocation & Placement Plans & Reports (R&P) - Each community, county or city that administers a refugee placement program must annually file an R&P report. Find out if you city has one, which indicates they are processing refugees. You should be able to get these from the local VOLAG offices, but if they resist, contact their national HQ. HERE is a sample R&P plan's first page. Local staff may resist telling you about these. (I will add more specifics here when I can track some down for Florida).
Who processes and lobbies for more refugees into the US?
HERE is an article about how just one of the 7 Federal Contractors, which is run by the Lutheran Church, is lobbying to bring in MORE Islamic Syrians into the US as refugees. They make so much money on this that they now lobby to bring in MORE refugees.
Refugee Relocation Issues for Lake County, FL:
- Our concern is the relocation of Muslims who do not assimilate into the US Culture.
- As of early 2016, there are no plans to bring legal "refugees" into Lake County.
- If there are refugees, they are usually relatives of existing residents.
- Continue watching the Orlando Region Refugee Task Force HERE and monitor the above R&P reports.
- Other sources of non-citizens can include "asylum" seekers who turn up at the US border and are processed by many of the same departments doing refugee work. Any could be Muslim.
- Another source is kids who cross the border, and are placed in programs. Any could be Muslim.
- Another source are Muslim college students who get student Visas, then overstay and do not return to their country.
- Monitor refugee health screening in Lake County. New refugees are required to have health screening by local health departments, which is an early indicator of their arrival.
- Report any effort by the refugee contractors to set up an office in Lake County (a bad indicator)
- Report any effort by refugee contractors to get city or county officials or staff to start plans for refugees. They have to file an "R&P" report to the Federal government before accepting refugees. However, the Feds and contractors refuse to disclose these R&P reports.
- Report any efforts described above to [email protected] .
NEWS about Refugee Resettlement Programs
Aug. 24, 2016 - Suzanne Shattuck video on Obama's plan to bring in another 100-200k Syrian refugees (MUSLIMS). George Soros's Open Society leaked emails show it is his goal, plus jihad by ISIS. She wants you to call your Congressman to halt Obama's pending UN request to bring in 200k more Muslims starting Oct. 1.
June 4, 2017 - UK Study shows 55% of surveyed Europeans wanted a ban on more Muslim migrants. The UK Royal Institute of International Affairs, AKA the Chatham House, conducted a Feb. 7, 2017 survey of 10,000 citizens of 10 European countries and found 55% wanted Muslim migrants banned, and only 20% wanted acceptance of Muslim migrants to continue. They asked the question "Do you agree or disagreewith this statement: All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped". They also had demographics by gender, age and type of residence. And HERE, YouTube commenter Paul Joseph Watson, who has hundreds of thousands of viewers, commented on the study. The authors of the study said "New research points to significant and widespread levels of public anxiety over immigration from mainly Muslim states." This study was conducted before US President Donald Trump issued a restriction on travelers from 7 Muslim countries.
Refugee Act of 1980 - Wikipedia has a better overview, with historical aspects.
Refugee Act of 1980 - Actual text - a chapter of the Immigration & Nationality Act.
United Nations Refugee Agency - UNHCR
US State Dept. Bureau of Population, Refugees & Migration (PRM)
US Office of Refugee Relocation (ORR)
Ann Corcoran's Refugee Resettlement Watch blog << best source for tracking refugee programs in US
Refugee Resettlement Watch Refugee Fact Sheet (2013)
US Refugee Processing Center annual reports of planned refugees by city
Florida's Dept. of Refugee Services - (funded by Federal government - click "Task Forces" to see schedules, locations
US State Dept. 2016 "Proposed Refugee Admissions for FY 2016" - pdf
GAO Performance Audit of US Refugee Resettlement Program Jul 2012 - 63 pages -
List of Federal VOLAG contractors by state and city offices - 2014 list - Only two in Orlando area:
LIRS FL-LIRS-03: Lutheran Services Florida Address: 427 N Magnolia Ave (2nd Floor) Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: 407-869-0988 Fax: 407.822.8910
USCCB FL-USCCB-06: CATHOLIC IMMIG./REFUGEE SERVICES Address: 1819 N SEMORAN BOULEVARD ORLANDO, FL 32807-3544 Phone: 407-658-1818 X.2061 Fax: 407-673-1380
White House Task Force on New Americans - 41 pg report dated Dec. 15, 2015 - Created "Building Welcoming Communities" Campaign
April, 2015 "Strategic Action Plan" on Immigrant & Refugee Integration - White House Task Force on New Americans - since Obama wants to get more refugee liberal voters, plans like this are important to know about. "The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will inject energetic AmeriCorps VISTA members into communities to help them increase capacity, expand multisector networks, and develop and implement local integration plans."
Sample grant announcement for 2016 "R&P" Partner funding from US State Dept. Duration of Activity: October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016
"Under current funding procedures, each agency with which the Bureau enters into a Cooperative Agreement (CA) is provided $1,975 for each refugee it sponsors who arrives in the United States during the period of the CA and is verified to have been placed and assisted by the agency."
For planning purposes, applicants should use the following refugee admissions projections as a baseline, although that may not necessarily be the ceiling that will be set by the President for FY2016. Projections by region are as follows:
Africa -- 20,000
East Asia -- 13,000
Europe and Central Asia -- 4,000
Latin America and the Caribbean -- 4,000
Near East and South Asia -- 29,000
Unallocated Reserve -- 5,000
In addition, applicants should include 7,000 Special Immigrant Visa recipients in their planning.
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