Tavares, FL - Oct. 8, 2012 Florida Voter Fraud Update: Thousands of registered voters in Ohio, New York and Rhode Island are also voting in Florida, according to this research from TrueTheVote.com . This is a continuation of an earlier study showing duplicate Florida and New York registrations. And, it is important to note that the New York duplicate registrations are based on only a ONE percent sample of New York registered voters. This is possible because the STATE Elections departments and County Elections Superintendents have never setup a combined database of all voters to detect duplicate registrations in two or more states, but True the Vote HAS done this. Read the excerpt below and the details at the linked article, which contains statistics on duplications of Florida voters with Ohio, New York and Rhode Island. When we asked our local Lake County Elections Superintendent, Emogene Stegall, what her department did to prevent double voting between states, she said there was no database to compare voters between states, so she has no program to detect double voters voting in Florida and another state. That is why we need a new elections Superintendent in Lake County, someone who understands computer database...
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